For a successful baby shower in Nice
A tradition coming straight from across the Atlantic, theNice Baby Showeris gradually coming to France. In Nice, this prenatal party can be organized by future mothers as well as by relatives. But in order to save moms from the many tasks related to the preparation, calling on a Baby Shower party organization service is wise.
The concept reviewed
A party that takes place between family and girlfriends, the Baby Shower generally takes place before the arrival of a baby. The guests find themselves in an atmosphere where laughter, gossip, sweets and crazy games are on the agenda. Do you live in Nice? Reproduce, or better, improve the atmosphere of your Baby Shower Nice by taking inspiration from the proposals of a specialist in the organization of a Baby Shower. Relatives can also surprise the future mother by taking care of all the preparations. To come back to the interest of this moment shared with the pregnant woman, everything starts from the fact of celebrating the end of carelessness. All mothers know the change in the rhythm of life that a baby brings. Insomnia, stress, anxiety will be your daily lot once the newborn arrives. So, it is better to take advantage of the last moments of freedom!
The concept in the 4 corners of the globe
And if we went around the world! In Brazil, the Chá de bebê (literal translation: baby tea) is very similar to the Baby Shower, but it differs by the guests. Indeed, all relatives and friends, women and men can come to the party to materially and morally support the future mother. For the process, everything happens as with the Baby Shower.
In India, the baby shower is called Valaikappu (literal translation: protection by bracelets). Rather, it is a ceremony that is part of the Hindu tradition. However, other religious communities and other Indian states also celebrate it, but in a completely different version. In Gujart, for example, families celebrate Godh Bharna. In Kerala, it takes the name of puli-kuti and in Punjab, it is Godhbarai. In any case, the ceremony is specially dedicated to pregnant women and is celebrated in the 7th or 9th month of pregnancy.
Generally, the wearing of bracelets by the future mother is essential, since according to tradition, the sound caused by the bracelets makes the baby happy. Moreover, they should only be removed at the time of delivery. As for the Hindu ceremony, the mother-to-be sees her hair tied with garlands of flowers. A priest is present to bless her and have her quote the mantras. Feast and blessing then follow.
In Turkey, the Fyesta de Fasadura is part of the Jewish tradition. It is a moment shared with the future mother and where the grandmother cuts a white cloth to make clothes for the newborn or a security blanket.
In Iran, the whole family gathers during the Sismoony party, celebrated between the end of the second trimester and the 8th month of pregnancy. 7 is a lucky number for Iranians, which is why the guests offer the mother as gifts: 7 baby bottles, 7 bodysuits or 7 bibs.
Where to do the Nice Baby Shower?
At the mother-to-be
Usually, the organization of such an event is usually done at the future mother's house. This is a great advantage for parents, since mum won't have to travel and dad won't have to worry. But for the surprise effect, it will take the complicity of the father to organize everything
At a relative's
This second option keepsthe event in secret. The godmother, the aunt and the rest of the team will be able to act without technical constraint. However, the reception area of the Baby Shower Nice must be large. If not, you will have to look for another place.
In a hotel
Like Mégane Markle, you can organize your Nice Baby Shower in a luxury hotel. The beautiful city of Nice is full of hotels such as the Negresco, La Passerelle, Le Teocali and the Monte-Carlo. They can offer you reception halls around a beautiful environment.
What can a professional handle?
If you wish to entrust the organization of your Baby Shower to a specialist, the latter distributes the tasks through formulas. So you can only call it for decoration. Present your theme to him so that he can create an appropriate decoration according to your desires and your budget.
If you have no idea how to animate your party, you can seek the help of the specialist by ordering the "animation" formula. A coordinator will be present so that each participant can have fun around the “maternity/baby” themed games.
For the “sweets” corner, you can also entrust its preparation to an expert. In addition to the beautifully decorated diaper cake, you will be treated to personalized treats and candies. At the same time, a candy bar can be installed according to your wishes.
It's a done deal, the “all-inclusive” formula relieves you of all responsibilities! From the decoration to the supply of the dishes, everything is the responsibility of the professional. And even the sending of invitations, the musical playlist, the gifts of the guests will all be ready. The only thing you will have to do is find the perfect place to celebrate the event.

What happens at the end of a Baby Shower?
Moment eagerly awaited by the future mother, the end of the festivity is marked by the opening of gifts. To impress him and especially to offer something other than that already planned by the aunt or the godmother, here are some ideas for birth gifts.
Unique gifts? Discuss it with friends
If each of the guests wishes to please the pregnant woman, the wisest decision would be to talk to each other. Who will give what! Thus, the guest of honor will not have to find himself in front of a pile of bodysuits (although useful!). The godmother will be able to offer her bracelet, grandmother will be able to get started in the stroller and the others will be able to buy sets and boxes of little things from the bout'chou. For a successful Nice Baby Shower, the help of a specialist is more than necessary. Discuss the details with him, share your desires. An estimate will be established to give you an idea of how much it will cost you. Do not be afraid ! If you have thought of a precise budget, your party will be cut according to your possibilities, without it losing its charm.